10 Sept 2013

Network Topology

10th Sept 2013

Network Topology
-Refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communication network.
-Refers to the both the phycsical and logical layout of the network.

Layout of the Network
Physical Topology- arrangement of a cabling
Logical Topology - the path that data travels between computers on a network is the logical

Types of network topology
Three commonly used network topologies are :
          -Consists of a single central cable(backbone) to which all computers and other devices 
          -Each devices is connected to the single bus cable through T-connector.
          -Terminator is required at each end of the bus cable to prevent the signal from bouncing
            back and forth on the bus cable
#Bus Network Topology

  • Advantages
         -Easy to install
         -Computers can be attached and detached at any point on the bus without disturbing the
           rest of the network
         -Failure of one device usually does not affect the rest of the bus network
  • Disadvantages
        - Distruption occurs when computer or other devices are added or removed
        -A break in the cable will prevent all systems from accessing the network
        -Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shut down

        -All the computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device thus 
         forming a star.
        -Two types of devices that provide a common central connection point to all the other  
         devices on the network are a hub and switch
#Star network topology

  • Advantages
         -If one device fail,only that device is affected
         -Devices can be added to or removed from network with little or no distruption
         -Easy to troubleshoot and isolate
  • Disadvantages
        -If the hub or switch fails,the entire network will be inorporabled.
        -Requires more cable than most of the other topologies
        -More expensive because of the cost of the hub/switch.
       - A cable forms a closed loop(ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring
       -Data transmitted on a ring network travels from device to device around the entire ring, in           one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
       -Token passing is one method for sending data around a ring.
       -Each device takes turn sending and receiving information through the use of a token.
#ring network topology

  • Advantages
         -The transmission of data is relatively simple as packets travel one direction only.
         -Cable faults are easily located,making troubleshooting easier
         -The uses of token passing enables all devices in a ring topology to share the network 
          recources faulty
  • Disadvantages
         -A Failure in any cable or device breaks the loop and can take down the entire network
         -Data packets must pass through every computer thus make it slower
         -More difficult to install than a bus network.

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