17 Sept 2013

Conversion Number System

Decimal to Binary
The given decimal number repeatedly divided by 2.
Then, write from bottom to top.

Binary to Decimal
In binary number, the column weights (again from right to left)

Decimal to Hexadecimal
The given decimal number repeatedly divided by 16.
Then, write from bottom to top.

Hexadecimal to Decimal
In hex number, the column weights (again from right to left

Binary to Hexadecimal
There are two ways on how to convert the binary to hexadecimal number.
1st way :
Binary  Decimal  Hexadecimal
2nd way :
Binary  Hexadecimal

Hexadecimal to Binary

There are two ways on how to convert the hexadecimal to binary number.
1st way :
Hexadecimal  Decimal  Binary
2nd way :
Hexadecimal     Binary


    • consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed by the processor, data needed by those instructions, and the results of processing the data.
    • Each location in memory has an address.
    • Memory size is measured in kilobytes (KB or K), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB).



    • when the computer's power is turned off,volatile memory loses its contents.
    • volatile memory is temporary.
    • RAM is the most common type of volatile memory.


    • nonvolatile memory does not lose its contents when power is removed from the computer.
    • nonvolatile memory is permanent.
    • examples of nonvolatile memory include ROM.

          Volatile memory : RAM

    • RAM chips usually reside on a memory module and are inserted into memory slots.
    • The amount of RAM necessary in a computer often depends on the types of software you plan to use.

    Types of RAM

    *DRAM (Dynamic RAM)-chips must be re-energized constantly or they lose their contents.
    *SRAM (Static RAM)-chips are faster and more reliable than any variation of DRAM chips. Are much more expensive than DRAM chips.
    *MRAM (Magnetoresistive RAM)-a newer type of RAM, called magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM pronounced EM-ram), stores data using magnetic charges instead of electrical charges.

    Nonvolatile memory : ROM

    • Read-only memory (ROM) refers to memory chips 
      storing permanent data and instructions.
    • The data on most ROM chips cannot be modified.

    Types of ROM

    *PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)-is a blank ROM chip on which a programmer can write permanently.
    *EPROM (Erasable Read-Only Memory)-These chips can be erased and rewritten a number of times.
    *EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)-Allows a programmer to erase the microcode with an electric signal.

    Adapter Card

    Expansion Slot & Adapter Card

    An expansion slot is a socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card
    An adapter card enhances functions of a component of the system unit and/or provides connections to peripherals
    A peripheral is a device that connects to the system unit and is controlled by the processor in the computer. Examples : modems, printers, scanners, keyboards, sound card and video card
    Types Of Adapter Cards :
    Cable CARD
    Disk Controller
    HDTV turner
    PC- to - TV converter
    TV turner
    Video capture


    3.1.2 Network Architecture

    1. Type of network architecture:
        - Peer-to-peer
        - Client server

    2. Network Architecture:
        - The design of computers, other devices and media           on a network.

    3. Peer to Peer.
        - Describes an Internet network on which users access           each other's hard disks and exchange files directly           over the Internet.


    * Called the central processing unit (CPU), 
    interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer
    CPU speeds is measured in gigahertz (GHz).
    CPU Components :
    – Control unit 
    – Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

    Control Unit :
    # The component of the processor that directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer. 
    ALU :
    Performs arithmetic, comparison and other operations.
    # Arithmetic operations include basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    System Unit

    A computer case is also known as a

    • "computer chassis",

    • "tower",

    • "base unit" or simply "case".

    • "system unit",

    Also sometimes incorrectly referred to as the "CPU"

    System Unit :

    # Case that contains electronic  components of the computer used to process data.

    All computers and mobile devices have a system unit. 
    # Inside of System Unit have :
    * The main circuit board of the system unit.
    Slots on the motherboard that can hold adapter cards.
    For adding more memory, graphics capabilities and support for special devices.
    Slot on the motherboard that houses a CPU and forms the electrical interface with the CPU.
    Slots on the motherboard that hold memory modules.
    To connect RAM and get faster of the performance of computer.